For as long as I can remember, nature's elements and her colours have been an essential source of life and inspiration to me.

Growing up, I was blessed to travel across some of Europe's most sublime landscapes, spending weeks at a time with my beloved Nonna and Nonno in Northern Italy, absorbing the all-embracing countryside and the enchantment of the Mediterranean coastline. I have vivid memories of what seemed like eternal summers spent in meadows of wild flowers and butterflies, simply beholding images of sea, sky and mountains, magically transformed by the light as the day moved from morning to night.

Palettes of pinks; blues; reds; bronzes; oranges; gold; copper; yellow and violet skies... all shades of blue, turquoise and aqua green waters... golden green grassy landscapes. 

The ever-changing symphony of colour and abstract forms - nature creates its own 'living art' by the fluidity of sunlight, the movement and formation of clouds, the moonlight and stars - all play their part to bring the ocean and landscapes alive.

Over the years I have taken thousands of photographs, in pursuit of capturing my ‘living’ experience.

The movement; the stillness; the abstract forms; the colours; the light; the transcendent; renews my soul and inspires me to paint, facilitating a transference of that which lives and breathes.